Neuro Agility Profile® ThinkFlow for Adults

What is a NAP™ ThinkFlow assessment?

The NAP™ ThinkFlow assessment is an instrument that measures four elements of primary importance to improve agile thinking, learning, and communication. NAP™ ThinkFlow is an assessment frequently used by business consultants, coaches, therapists, and team leaders to understand the thinking and communication preferences of the people they interact with. It increases self-awareness about mental preferences and improves communication in relationships. Ultimately, it helps people to develop a brain and mind that is fast, focused, and flexible.

Doing a NAP™ ThinkFlow is a valuable assessment to answer questions like:

  • Who am I?
  • Who am I coaching?
  • Who are my team members?
  • Who am I in a relationship with?
  • What is the figurative (symbolic) language I speak?

The purpose of the NAP™ ThinkFlow is to:

  • Learn and think faster and easier.
  • Think creatively and analytically, simultaneously
  • Maintain multiple ideas and understandings simultaneously
  • Quickly recognize patterns and connections
  • Move between various modes of learning and thinking fast and easy
  • Learn, unlearn, and relearn quickly and easily
  • Adjust mindsets faster
  • Solve complex problems faster and easier
  • Understand how your thinking flows
  • Understand the role you play in teams and the roles of others
  • Function more effectively in a team
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Understand your figurative communication language
  • Be expressive and receptive, verbal and non-verbal simultaneously

What is the NAP™ ThinkFlow used for?

  • Mental agility improvement
  • Accelerating learning and thinking
  • Developing team agility
  • Developing social cohesion in teams
  • Strengthening relationships
  • Improving communication and resolving interpersonal conflict
  • Improving emotional intelligence

Elements Evaluated in the NAP™ ThinkFlow

The four elements of your two-dimensional brain that are measured in this assessment are:

  • Relative / Functional Lateral Preferences (left & right hemispheres)
  • Brain Agility
  • Expressive – Receptive Preferences (front & back regions of the cerebral cortex)
  • Two-Dimensional Perspective – Four Quadrants


  • 50 easy online questions (10-15 minutes to complete)
  • 13-page online report illustrating 4 elements of Neuro Agility and offering suggestions to optimize your mental agility
  • Translated into various languages

Who will benefit from doing a NAP™ ThinkFlow assessment?

  • Anyone who wants to understand themselves better
  • Any person who wants to think faster and easier
  • People who want to strengthen their relationships
  • People who want to communicate more effectively or resolve conflict
  • Members of teams


  • Increase your mental agility
  • Agile thinking, learning, and communication
  • Accelerate brain power skills like complex problem-solving and critical and creative thinking
  • Increase personal awareness and understanding of yourself
  • Manage yourself more effectively.
  • Clearer social awareness of others
  • More effective management of others
  • Adapt faster and easier to the symbolic thinking and learning languages of others
  • Strengthen relationships with others
  • Understand different roles and contributions of team members
  • Optimize team agility
  • Improve emotional intelligence (one of the most desired skill sets for success and employability)
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