5.2 Brain Fitness Copy

  • Brain Agility is a major driver that increases the ease, speed and flexibility with which you think, learn and process information. Even if you scored well (70% or more) on the other drivers  that optimize your brain performance, a low score on Brain Agility will  cause you to think, learn and process information longer and slower.
  • The Brain Fitness section explains the impact of brain fitness as one of the drivers that optimize your brain’s performance.
  • Click here to see an infographic of brain fitness.
  • Refer to your NAP™ brain profile assessment on page 21. How did you score on Brain Fitness? How does it impact the other drivers and your neuro-design?
  • This section is long. It consists of  8 videos. Total video duration time: 192 minutes (3 hours 20 minutes). Please pause, take breaks and continue when you are ready to do so.
  • Familiarize yourself with pages ? in the Neuro-Agility Manual.
  • Golden Rule: Performance improvement can’t start at any other place than improving your brain fitness. Homo-lateral functioning will slow down the speed, ease and flexibility with which you think, learn and process information. Bi-lateral functioning is essential to optimizing your neuro-agility.


  • The theme of video 1 is Brain Agility. It provides an overview of 5 factors that impact the ease, speed and flexibility with which you think, learn and process information and then deals in more detail with physical cross-lateral movement activities that will help you improve your brain fitness.
  • Video duration:  23 minutes.
  • Familiarize yourself with pages ? in the Neuro-Agility Manual.
  • List the actions and activities you need to do to improve your brain fitness in your Action Plan.
  • Golden Rule: Brain agility exercises increase your cognitive flexibility.
  • Golden Rule: You are born with unlimited potential, but to change potential into competence, you have to start with improving brain agility first.


  •  Your senses are the doors to your brain. Information comes in through the senses and are processed as electro-chemical impulses to various brain regions. Neuro-agility requires the whole brain to be ready to receive sensory stimuli and transmit these electro-chemical impulses at optimum speed to all brain regions.
  • The theme of video 2 is Sensearobics. It is about brain fitness exercises that activate the senses to process electro-chemical impulses at optimum speed to the appropriate brain regions. These exercises will also help to neutralize neurological hindrances (see section 4.3 in the previous module)
  • Video duration: 22 minutes.
  • Familiarize yourself with pages ? in your manual.
  • List the actions and activities you need to do to improve your brain fitness and neutralize neurological hindrances in your Action Plan.
  • Golden Rule: Your eyes are the only part of your brain that is visible. By doing visual processing exercises, you are optimizing the ease and speed with which you process visual impulses. Click here to see a case study of how visual processing skills can improve your brain fitness.


  • The theme of video 3 is Fingerobics. It illustrates advanced fine-motor skills that will significantly improve your brain fitness
  • Video duration:  23 minutes.
  • Familiarize yourself with page ? in your manual.
  • List the actions and activities you need to do to improve your brain fitness and neuro-agility in section 2 of your Action Plan.
  • Golden Rule: You are truly neuro-agile if you can do the Fingerobics exercises with ease and speed. Do 50 of these exercises 3 times per day every day. Keep on challenging yourself by continuously trying to do exercises that are difficult and require intention and thinking to execute.


  • The theme of video 4 is Mind Aerobics. This video illustrates mental exercises that can balance your brainwave rhythms, activate the whole brain and produce neurotrophins that will help your brain think, learn and process information at optimum level.
  • Video duration: 26 minutes.
  • Familiarize yourself with pages ? in your manual.
  • List the actions and activities that will improve your mental agility in section 2 of your Action Plan..
  • Golden Rule: Use it, or lose it! Your are not born brain fit. Brain fitness is a capacity you have to develop and maintain in order to be the best version of yourself.


  • The theme of video 5 is Office Aerobics. It illustrates simple cross-lateral movement activities that can be done at the office, while sitting.
  • Video duration: 18 minutes.
  • Familiarize yourself with page ? in your manual.
  • List the actions and activities you can do to improve your brain fitness in section 2 of your Action Plan.
  • Golden Rule: Brain fitness can be improved at the office and while sitting.


  • The theme of video 6 is Neurobics. This is a highly enjoyable video full of exercises that illustrate how challenging your brain to think and learn helps you to produce neurotrophins that are essential growth factor chemicals that promote dendritic growth and ultimately brain fitness.
  • Video duration: 28  minutes.
  • Familiarize yourself with page ? in your manual.
  • List actions and activities you can to do to improve your brain fitness in your Action Plan.
  • Golden Rule: Use it or lose it. Challenge yourself to think and learn. Expose yourself continuously to new experiences and activities.


  • The theme of video 7 is More Neurobics. This video is optional as it covers the same theme as the previous video, but find that people enjoy neurobic exercises so much that we decided to add two additional videos just for fun.
  • Remember: By constantly exposing yourself to new learning and thinking experiences, you are producing vital chemicals that helps you flex mental muscle.
  • Video duration: 24 minutes.
  • Familiarize yourself with page ? in your manual.
  • List actions and activities you can do to improve brain fitness.
  • Golden Rule: Any new thinking and learning experience helps you produce chemicals that complement neuroplasticity, fight old age and improve memory.


  • The theme of video 8 is Even More Neurobics. a summary of actions and activities that will increase brain fitness and ultimately enhance neuro-agility.
  • Video duration: 28 minutes.
  • Familiarize yourself with page ? in your manual.
  • List actions and activities you can do to improve your brain agility.
  • Golden Rule: Use it or lose it.

  • Reflection:
  • How does your brain fitness influence the ease and speed with which you think and learn?
  • How does your brain fitness influence your lateral dominance and neuro-design flexibility?
  • Which actions and activities do you need to incorporate into your life to improve your brain fitness?


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